Acception of abstract
The organising committee will review the abstracts and notify the authors in mid-May 2025 once the presentation form has been determined.
The presenting author must be a registered participant. Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting an abstract. Regular registration is obligatory and binding and implies payment of the registration fee.
Characters and images
You can download the abstract template here
The abstract must be submitted in English.
Step-by-step to your abstract submission
- Please create your own account under "Author sign up". You will then receive an Email containing your access key. Please check your spam folder if you don’t receive an Email within 60 minutes and contact us at
- Please login with your access key and your email. Click "Abstract Submission" and follow the indicated steps.
- After your successful abstract submission you will receive an email confirmation. Please also check your spam folder.
- You may login at any time to submit more abstracts or to make changes to abstracts already submitted until the abstract deadline expires.